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Futuro da PAC

Spain: CAP Strategic Plan 2023-27

Strategic priorities Spain proposes a CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 that “aims at the sustainable development of agriculture, food and rural areas to ensure the food security of society through a competitive sector and a living rural environment”. On the basis...

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Poland – CAP National Strategic Plan

Strategic priorities In Poland, rural and agricultural areas occupy 85% and 52% of the country, respectively. Rural areas are inhabited by approximately 15 million people, 38% of Poland’s total population. There are approximately 1.4 million farms throughout the country. The...

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Avaliação de ONGAs Europeias sobre Planos Estratégicos Nacionais da PAC revela que Portugal não está a cumprir o Pacto Ecológico Europeu em matéria ambiental e os objetivos climáticos

A maioria dos planos estratégicos da Política Agrícola Comum entregues pelos Estados-Membros à Comissão Europeia não consegue resolver adequadamente as crises urgentes da perda de biodiversidade e das alterações climáticas. Lisboa, 22 de fevereiro de 2022 – Esta é a...

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Livestock in the EU – periodic news

The proper treatment of farm animals is increasingly important to consumers, which is reflected in the desire to ban long transports and the transport of newborns. As a result, European livestock production (dairy and beef herds) is expected to decrease...

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Antibiotic legislation as a mirror clause

The first priority of the French EU Presidency in the first half of 2022 under the ‘Agriculture and forestry’ heading is to ‘encourage Council discussions on reciprocal environmental and health production standards for European products and products imported from third...

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ITALY: CAP Strategic Plan 2023-27

Strategic priorities: organic farming and livestock  The Plan recognizes the importance of organic farming to contribute to the achievement of all environmental objectives; indeed, the sector is allocated about 2.5 billion euro in the five-year period within the rural development....

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