The budget proposal, released on Tuesday (May 23) setsthe USDA budget at US$137 billion for the 2018 fiscal year, down by around 8%from the current level, and suggests removing, reducing or capping funding forareas such as crop insurance, rural ......
Ler maisThe European Commission’s agriculture and environment units are to establish a joint task force on water and have also asked the EU Joint Research Centre to establish a ‘Knowledge Hub’ to make existing water data available across the EU. ......
Ler maisCommissioners Phil Hogan and Karmenu Vella presented a joint ‘staff working document’ on water in agriculture during the informal Council of EU farm ministers in Malta this week (May 22-23), which will feed into the reflections on the post-2020 CAP...
Ler maisNew EU organic sector legislation will likely contain no EU-wide threshold for decertification, sources have told Agra Europe at the Informal Council of Agricultural Ministers in Malta. Member states are once again working towards a renewed compromise text for a...
Ler maisNo dia 16 de Maio, no plenário do colégio de comissários, foi lançada uma questão sobre a autorização do glifosato.
Ler maisEU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan will next month co-present to MEPs a proposal on fairer regulation of the bloc’s food supply chain. Noticia completa com a subscrição.
Ler maisSelon les eurodéputés socialistes français Eric Andrieu et belge Marc Tarabella, la Commission européenne s’apprêterait à proposer au mois de juin un renouvellement d’autorisation du principe actif controversé du Roundup. La Commission européenne devrait proposer au mois de juin un...
Ler maisThe European Commission will be launching a call for experts for three new European Innovation Programme (EIP) agriculture focus groups this coming June, bringing the total number of such groups to 31.
Ler maisThe EU Parliament environment committee (ComEnvi) has adopted two resolutions opposing plans from the EU Commission to authorise imports containing an herbicide resistant genetically modified (GM) maize and cotton.
Ler maisNearly half of the responses to the European Commission’s recently concluded public consultation on modernising and simplifying the Common Agricultural Policy came from Germany.
Ler maisLe règlement Omnibus voté par la commission agriculture du Parlement européen envisage d'assouplir les critères imposés pour les outils de gestion des risques, au premier rang desquels figure l'assurance récolte. La Commission agriculture du Parlement européen a adopté, ce mercredi...
Ler maisThe European Parliament’s Agricultural Committee (ComAgri) has voted through a controversial draft opinion on changing CAP rules that introduces bargaining organisations for farmers and softens greening requirements.
Ler maisTras el cierre del período de 12 semanas de consulta pública sobre modernización y simplificación de la Política Agrícola Común en la medianoche del 2 de mayo de 2017, las cifras preliminares indican que la Comisión Europea ha recibido más...
Ler maisEl Grupo de Innovación Sostenible para el Sector Alimentario (GIS), foro de trabajo que promueve la innovación práctica aplicada a la agroalimentación, pretende participar también en el debate que ahora comienza sobre la futura Política Agrícola Común (PAC) reclamando un...
Ler maisCanada is expected to ratify the EU-Canada Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) this month, meaning that the trade deal would provisionally enter into force in June. Sources told Agra Europe that theterms of the CETA are currently undergoing the ‘Third...
Ler maisAs a three-month consultation on EU agriculture policy draws to a close, umbrella EU farm lobby Copa Cogeca has finalised its position on the future CAP – calling for simpler rules, support for cooperatives and more effective tools for managing...
Ler maisLes semis des cultures de printemps se déroulent dans la poussière en ce mois d'avril comme en témoignent les photos postées par les agriculteurs sur les réseaux sociaux. Quant aux cultures d'hiver, le manque d'eau nuit à leur bon développement....
Ler maisThe European Commission will next week debate the merits of re-authorising the world’s most widely used herbicide, glyphosate, for a period of either 10 or 15 years. EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogantold Agra Europe today (April 21)that the College of...
Ler maisEl sector energético deberá satisfacer una demanda de energía en aumento al tiempo que reduce sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La undécima edición del congreso internacional de bioenergía, organizado por avebiom, mira hacia el futuro bajo el lema...
Ler maisThe European Commission is set to review the EU’s system of excise duties on alcoholic beverages. The EU executive announced the launch of a publicconsultation today (April 19), set to run until July 7. Notícia completa mediante a subscrição.
Ler maisThe 2013 CAP reform createdthe annual Crisis Reserve, which sets aside funds from direct payments underthe ‘financial discipline’ mechanism from the previous marketing year, to beused if emergency measures are needed.
Ler maisThe European Commission looks set to re-authorise the world’s most widely used herbicide, glyphosate, for a period of “at least” 10 years, it has emerged. Speaking yesterday (April 11) at a conferenceat the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), EU...
Ler maisThe European Commission has decided not to increase the minimum percentage of a farm’s arable land area that must be devoted to ‘Ecological Focus Area’ (EFA) in order to receive the full CAP Pillar One (P1) direct payment. In a...
Ler maisEl secretario general de Agricultura y Alimentación, Carlos Cabanas, presentó ayer las principales conclusiones de la Conferencia “Construyendo la PAC del futuro post 2020”, organizada por el Ministerio para escuchar las opiniones de todos los implicados en este proceso. A...
Ler maisDistinguished guests, fellow panellists, ladies and gentlemen, It is a pleasure to be here again at the FFA this year. Those of you were here last year will recall that this event coincided with the horrific bombings which claimed 32...
Ler maisThe next reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) “must go further” on protecting the environment and slowing climate change, EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has said.
Ler maisEU agri-food exports recorded their strongest ever start to a calendar year in value terms with shipments to third countries in January 2017 up nearly 10% compared with the same month last year. Total sales are pegged at €10.3 billion,...
Ler maisEn la reunión de ministros de Agricultura del G7 en Niigata (abril de 2016), se debatió sobre la próxima generación de agricultores. La media de edad de los trabajadores en el campo en gran parte del mundo es alta y...
Ler maisA new tool has been launched by the European Commission to help European agri-food producer organisations promote their products overseas. The new ‘agri-food promotion portal’, to bemanaged by the EU executive’s Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food ExecutiveAgency... More info:
Ler maisSi algo nos demostró el último año y lo que llevamos de 2017, es que nada está escrito y que la realidad y las reacciones del ser humano son imprevisibles. Creímos que Reino Unido no saldría de la Unión Europea...
Ler maisRussia says it will comply with last week’s WTO ruling against its ban on EU pigmeat - but in a statement that leaves almost as many questions as answers, the country’s Ministry for Economic Development vows to maintain existing protections...
Ler maisEtre un consommateur solidaire des agriculteurs, les Français sont d'accord. Mais attention, la confiance fléchit. C’est l’une des tendances majeures du sondage Ifop-Dimanche Ouest-France que nous publions comme chaque année à l’occasion du Salon de l’agriculture, sur l'image des agriculteurs....
Ler maisVice-présidente de la FNSEA, Christiane Lambert assure la présidence par intérim de la FNSEA suite au décès de Xavier Beulin. Suite au décès, dans la nuit du dimanche 19 février 2017, de Xavier Beulin, son leader charismatique, la FNSEA réunit...
Ler maisThe US beef, dairy and veal sectors have urged the US Trade Representative (USTR) to reinstate retaliatory tariffs on a range of products from the European Union over the bloc’s ban on hormone-treated beef. The USTR held a hearingthis week...
Ler maisThe European Commission has already received around 10,000 responses to the CAP post-2020 public consultation, just two weeks after being launched. Sources told Agra Europe that the EU executive briefed member states on the state of the consultation at a...
Ler maisPOLÍTICA AGRARIA COMÚN Los productores europeos, representados por el Copa-Cogeca han pedido a la Comisión Europea que impulse la modernización en la reforma de la nueva Política Agrícola Común y muestran su temor ante el posible impacto de “brexit”. “La...
Ler maisLa organización agraria La Unión de Extremadura ha anunciado este jueves que presentará una denuncia ante la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia contra las industrias transformadoras de tomate de la región por "prácticas anticompetitivas", ya que "tienen...
Ler maisEU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan is “determined to maintain” the CAP system of direct payments after 2020, saying it gives farmers basic income support and an “effective” safety net. While measures are needed to improve farmers’ marketresilience, direct payments must...
Ler maisAlors que la Commission européenne vient de lancer une consultation publique d’une durée de trois mois sur l'avenir de la politique agricole commune après 2020, la Confédération paysanne demande une Pac qui permettrait de garantir « un revenu aux paysans, de remettre en...
Ler mais« Fournir une alimentation de qualité et en quantité suffisante à 500 millions d'européens reste la première vocation de cette politique » ont déclaré Michel Dantin et Angélique Delahaye. Les deux eurodéputés PPE se félicitent de la mise en place de la...
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