– 20-03-2006 |
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UE: Conselho de Agricultura e Pescas de Março 2006O Conselho de Agricultura e Pescas re�ne-se hoje (a partir das 11 horas) em Bruxelas sob a Presid�ncia do Sr. Josef Pr�ll, Ministro da Agricultura da �ustria. O Conselho come�a com a análise da situa��o da gripe avi�ria e do mercado av�cola. Seguem-se os restantes pontos, não havendo qualquer ponto relacionado com as pescas na ordem do dia. Os pontos da ordem do dia são: AgriculturaGripe Avi�riaO Comissário Kyprianou informar� os Ministros sobre os �ltimos desenvolvimentos relacionados com a gripe das aves e das medidas aprovadas desde o �ltimo Conselho de Agricultura. Sector das aves: Situa��o do mercado e medidas de apoioO Conselho vai analisar a situa��o do mercado das aves e a Sr.� Fischer Boel vai informar o Conselho sobre as medidas tomadas até agora para apoio ao sector. As medidas de apoio ao abrigo da actual OCM das aves e ovos restringem-se �s restitui��es � exportação. A Comissão encorajou os Estados-Membros a desenvolverem programas nacionais de apoio aos agricultores em dificuldade e examinar� esses programas rapidamente e com espôrito positivo. Para tomar medidas de ambito europeu a Comissão carece de um mandato pol�tico do Conselho. Implementa��o da PAC reformada e seu futuroO Ministro Franc�s apresenta um memorando sobre a implementa��o da PAC reformada e o seu futuro ao Conselho. Produtos agr�colas de qualidade (IGP, DOP e ETG)Em 23 de Dezembro, a Comissão europeia aprovou duas propostas para clarificar e simplificar as regras para as indica��es geogr�ficas protegidas (IGP), as denomina��es de origem protegida (DOP) e as especialidades tradicionais garantidas (ETG) (ver IP/06/2, COM(2005) 698 e COM(2005) 694). O principal objectivo da proposta das indica��es geogr�ficas protegidas e designa��es de origem (IGPs e DOPs) foi ajustar a legisla��o �s exig�ncias da OMS, na sequ�ncia de queixas dos EUA e da Austr�lia. No entanto, as propostas abrem o sistema de registo europeu a operadores de países terceiros. O Conselho dever� aprovar as duas propostas. Revisão da Estratégia europeia de Desenvolvimento Sustent�vel
The key objective of the proposal on the protection geographical indications and designation of origin (PGIs and PDOs) was to bring EU legislation in line with a ruling by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body following complaints by the US and Australia. Therefore, the proposals aim particularly to open up the EU registration scheme to operators in third countries. In order to handle the growing number of applications (including those expected from third countries) procedures have been streamlined and the roles of Member States and the Commission clarified. An additional element is the proposal to require identification of the EU schemes on the label by use of either the PGI/PDO reference or the EU symbol. Similar changes are proposed to the EU system for registering traditional specialties guaranteed (TSG). The Council is expected to adopt the two proposals. Review of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) On 13 December 2005, the Commission adopted a Communication on the review of the Sustainable Development Strategy, which was launched in 2001 (see IP/05/1582 and MEMO/05/477). The Strategy up to 2010 deals with six main challenges to sustainable development (climate change and clean energy; public health; social exclusion, demography and migration, management of natural resources; sustainable transport; global poverty and development challenges) and recommends a number of actions to be taken in these areas. The Strategy lists overriding objectives for each of the challenges and also includes quantitative and operational targets. In order to coordinate the review of the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) the Austrian Presidency decided to set up a �Friends of the Presidency� Group which has the task to ensure coherence in the Council�s contribution based on contributions from different Council formations. The �Friends of the Presidency� Group has prepared questions which shall be addressed by all relevant Council formations starting with the �Environment� Council and the �Agriculture and Fisheries� Council in March. The questions relate to the level of ambition of the strategy, the contribution of each Council formation and to possible synergies with the Lisbon Strategy and to coherence between internal policies and international commitments. The Presidency intends to adopt a single Sustainable Development Strategy at the June European Council in an annex to the conclusions of the European Council. The Presidency established a �Friends of the Presidency Group� to coordinate this process. For more information on the EU Sustainable Development Strategy, see also on the internet at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/sustainable/index_en.htm AOB WTO Negotiations: Information on the state of play by Mrs Fischer Boel Prefinancing of export refunds: Commission information International Olive Oil
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