Today the European Parliament voted and adopted (323 votes in favour, 59 abstentions and 257 against) its report (with rapporteur Alexander Bernhuber) on the European Commission’s Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles. The farming and forestry community welcome this communication since the growing interest in carbon farming should be an opportunity for farmers and forest owners to transform their business model and should allow for better rewards for those who engage in a transition to more sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.
The Parliament recognised that ensuring the availability of natural raw materials (i.e., food and biomass) is the primary objective of agriculture and forestry. In addition, it stressed that carbon farming must be a voluntary activity and that financial rewards for carbon farming should compensate farmers and forest owners for additional efforts.
MEPS called on the Commission to broaden its definition of carbon farming practices to include on-farm mitigation measures in addition to on-field sequestration measures. In addition, it underlines the need to take into account preliminary work and efforts made by the frontrunners on this issue, and to take into account the specific situation of young farmers. Copa and Cogeca welcome the recognition of the need to keep in mind the different starting points of Member States and farmers. However, we reject the integration of carbon farming into the forthcoming CAP national strategy plans, in line with Member States’ assessments and needs.
Nonetheless, the report also recognised other sources of financing, such as EU Emissions Trading Scheme and funds from other EU programmes such as LIFE, the Cohesion Fund, Horizon Europe, the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the Just Transition Fund, which can already support carbon sequestering and biodiversity-positive approaches in forests and agricultural lands.
While this communication is welcome, the key for the success of this new business model lies in the Commission’s proposal for certifying carbon removals which has already landed in the European Parliament and the Council!
Artigo publicado originalmente em Copa Cogeca.