Panta Rhei association of EU Paying Agencies organises conferences twice a year, in spring and autumn that are attended by specialists dealing with information technologies, aiming at further IT development, strengthening information security, and adapting to new requirements.
During the 59th Panta Rhei Conference that took place a few weeks ago, the main topic was the preparation for the development of the information systems for supporting the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), including monitoring systems and possible technical solutions for information systems, data management, and new tools for obligatory and other reporting systems.
Area monitoring is defined as the regular and systematic observation, tracking and assessment of agricultural activities and practices on agricultural areas by Copernicus Sentinel Satellite data or other data with at least equivalent value.
ENVISION project joined forces with SPACE4GREEN and MEF4CAP projects and organised a workshop during the first day of the Conference. The aim of it was to present and discuss the solutions derived by these projects that can support the current and the future needs of the CAP monitoring in the frame of an automated decision-making system.
During the workshop, ENVISION presented the results of a number of business cases; Lithuanian, Cypriot and Flemish Paying Agencies regarding the services and the tools that they have used during the 2-years pilot implementation phase.
The workshop concluded by presenting the stakeholders’ feedback regarding the needs and requirements for further developments and solutions for the future monitoring and evaluation system.
ENVISION would like to express its sincere gratitude for giving this opportunity and participating in the 59thPanta Rhei Conference!