The number of reported human cases of listeriosis (2,952) showed a consistent rise over the 2019–2023 period, hitting their highest...
European Commission Comunicado de imprensa Brussels, 10 Dec 2024 O Grupo BEI disponibiliza 3 mil milhões de EUR em empréstimos...
European Commission Comunicado de imprensa Brussels, 10 Dec 2024 A Comissão Europeia propõe hoje alterações específicas ao atual quadro jurídico...
Did you know that the EU’s 9.1 million farms used 38.4% of the EU’s total land area for agriculture in...
The November edition of the JRC’s Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) assessment is now available.
A Comissão Europeia cria hoje oficialmente o Conselho Europeu da Agricultura e da Alimentação (EBAF), retomando assim uma das recomendações do...
While EU bioeconomy trends show progress towards the objectives of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy, environmental protection, and climate adaptation and mitigation...
The key findings of EFSA’s report are: Fences and Other Measures Fences, when combined with culling, carcass removal, and existing...
In 2022, the agricultural output of the EU amounted to €524 billion. The value of crop output was considerably higher...
A new tool will help assess the sustainability of food production, processing, distribution and consumption in the EU across environmental, social...
average to above-average temperatures and drier-than-usual conditions helped farmers to accelerate sowing, and were favourable for the initial development of...
Today, Eurostat launched a new webpage on geospatial data from agricultural census as part of our experimental statistics collection. Users...
Climate change is making wildfires more common, dangerous, and difficult to fight.
EU farms produced an estimated 160.8 million tonnes of raw milk in 2023. This marks an increase of 0.8 million...
New report recommends advanced technologies to ensure the integrity of our food from farm to fork.
In 2023, agricultural output in the EU was valued at €537.1 billion (bn) in basic prices, a 1.5% decrease compared with...
The new system will help to address the decline of pollinators across Europe – restoring biodiversity and protecting crops.
The October edition of the JRC’s Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) assessment is now available.
Frequent and heavy rainfall in large parts Europe negatively affected crops and hampered field operations.
A Comissão Europeia tomou novas medidas para apoiar os Estados-Membros afetados por catástrofes sem precedentes relacionadas com o clima. Tal como anunciado...
The new system will help to address the decline of pollinators across Europe – restoring biodiversity and protecting crops.
A combination of production-related measures and healthier, more plant-based diet can help tackle EU’s vulnerability related to high-protein feed and...
The September edition of the JRC’s Anomaly Hotspots of Agricultural Production (ASAP) assessment is now available.
The production forecast for wheat and barley is more than 30% above the 5-year average and more than 50% above...
Weather conditions in Türkiye were mixed for winter crop growth, whereas favourable conditions prevailed for summer crops. Yield estimates for...
Record temperatures and low rainfall have had impacts on food security, livelihoods, and energy production in many world regions.
Hot, dry, and overly wet conditions made an end to several years of (near-)record-high yields of winter cereals and grain...
Weather conditions in Türkiye were mixed for winter crop growth, whereas favourable conditions prevailed for summer crops. Yield estimates for...
New report recommends advanced technologies to ensure the integrity of our food from farm to fork.
What was EFSA asked to do? The European Commission tasked EFSA with updating the guidance on how to prepare and...
Landscape features in agricultural land can improve biodiversity and support ecosystem services. We have consistently quantified their areas in the...
The Executive Director is the legal representative and public face of EFSA and is accountable to the EFSA Management Board....
In the second quarter of 2024, agricultural prices in the EU declined for both outputs and inputs not related to...
Worsened yield outlook for grain maize and sunflowers
European Commission Comunicado de imprensa Brussels, 23 Sep 2024 A Comissão propôs hoje a afetação de 119,7 milhões de EUR da...
Severe drought affects summer crops yield outlook in Ukraine
Severe drought led to below-average yield outlook for summer crops
European Commission News Brussels, 16 Sep 2024 President von der Leyen gave a keynote speech in Munich on Friday, in...
Part of the subfamily of bark and ambrosia beetles known as Scolytinae, this high-risk group of pests could enter the...
Europe’s national food authorities have called for a continuous research and innovation (R&I) investment in generating the scientific knowledge needed...
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